AISG’s relationship with MadRag started with a request to design and install a video surveillance system at a new location of theirs, located in West Palm Beach, Fl. AISG put together a proposal that would involve utilizing a combination of fixed IP cameras and 360º cameras, with Wavestore recording in order to take full advantage of 360º camera technology. Following the success of this initial installation, AISG was brought in to assess video surveillance systems in place at some of MadRag’s higher-priority stores that had various issues with existing analog video systems. After servicing numerous stores’ analog systems, AISG approached MadRag about hosted video opportunities, which would provide MadRag with a state-of-the-art IP camera system with zero upfront costs, no system maintenance, and flexibility to view and download video at any time which would maximize their security while simultaneously allowing them to cut overall costs. In May of 2016 AISG began the roll-out of hosted video in seven MadRag stores and currently, AISG is working to continue the expansion of hosted video services in MadRag stores.